Preparing for the Future of Core Web Technology

Published: Jamstack

Jamstack is an architectural approach that decouples the web experience layer from data and business logic, improving flexibility, scalability, performance, and maintainability. Jamstack removes the need for business logic to dictate the web experience. It enables a composable architecture for the web where custom logic and 3rd party services are consumed through APIs.

JAMstack is fast

When it comes to minimizing the time of load, nothing beats pre-built files served over a CDN. JAMstack sites are super fast because the HTML is already generated during deploy time and just served via CDN without any interference or backend delays.

JAMstack is highly secured

Everything works via an API and hence there are no database or security breaches. With server-side processes abstracted into micro service APIs, surface areas for attacks are reduced and so your site becomes highly secured.

JAMstack is cheaper and easier to scale

JAMstack sites only contain just a few files with minimal sizes that can be served anywhere. Scaling is a matter of serving those files somewhere else or via CDNs.


With Jamstack, the entire front end is prebuilt into highly optimized static pages and assets during a build process. This process of pre-rendering results in sites which can be served directly from a CDN, reducing the cost, complexity and risk, of dynamic servers as critical infrastructure.

With so many popular tools for generating sites, like Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, Eleventy, NextJS, and very many more, many web developers are already familiar with the tools needed to become productive Jamstack developers.

Enhancing with JavaScript

With the markup and other user interface assets of Jamstack sites served directly from a CDN, they can be delivered very quickly and securely. On this foundation, Jamstack sites can use JavaScript and APIs to talk to backend services, allowing experiences to be enhanced and personalized.

Supercharging with services

The thriving API economy has become a significant enabler for Jamstack sites. The ability to leverage domain experts who offer their products and service via APIs has allowed teams to build far more complex applications than if they were to take on the risk and burden of such capabilities themselves. Now we can outsource things like authentication and identity, payments, content management, data services, search, and much more.

Jamstack sites might utilize such services at build time, and also at run time directly from the browser via JavaScript. And the clean decoupling of these services allows for greater portability and flexibility, as well as significantly reduced risk. For information, please see Jamstack Developers.